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Reports of James Thompson’s Accident

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Accident Report
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Otago Witness, Issue 920, 17 July 1869, Page 11

I have to chronicle a very sad accident that happened to one of our oldest and most experienced miners of this district on Monday last. Mr James Thompson, shareholder and working manager in the Perseverance Company, was setting fire to a small hand blast, charged with about 81bs. of powder, when all hands went to dinner. After waiting for some time, he found that it was a miss- fire, and in order to have the blast off before the water was turned on again, he commenced drilling out the charge, when an explosion suddenly took place, sending the powder into his face, and on to the upper portion of his body. He was found sitting shortly afterwards, about 150 yards from the spot where the accident happened, frightfully mutilated. He was conveyed to the hospital at Lawrence, where it was found necessary to amputate his left arm. The doctors are also afraid that, both his eyes are destroyed, but they have not been able yet to examine them. How the poor fellow managed to crawl such a distance away from the place where it happened, blind as he was, is very singular. It is strange that miners will persist in exposing their lives to danger in such a careless manner knowing, as they do, how many accidents have occurred from the same thing. I trust this will be a lesson to them.

Discharge from Hospital
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Otago Witness, Issue 927, 4 September 1869, Page 3

Our unfortunate friend Mr James Thompson, who recently met with a sad accident by the explosion of a blast in the Perseverance Co.’s claim, has left the hospital. His left arm, a part of which was amputated, is healing up fast, but his eyeballs being completely destroyed, he is rendered hopelessly blind for the remainder of his days. The poor fellow bears his sad fate with great fortitude.

Sale of Company Shares
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Tuapeka Times, Volume II, Issue 102, 22 January 1870, Page 4

At One o’clock (Spur time.)



MATTHEW HAY has received instructions, from Mr. James Thompson, to sell by Public Auction, on the above date,
ONE-SEVENTH SHARE in the Perseverance Company’s Claim, Water-Race, and Dam, and all property appertaining thereto.
ONE-SEVENTH SHARE in the Claim known as Kepple’s Mining Lease, together with ONEFOURTEENTH SHARE in the Hibernian Water-Race, and all other property appertaining thereto.

Terms at Sale.

The accident that befel Mr. Thompson some months ago, by which he was deprived of his sight, and his desire to return to England, are the only reasons he has for disposing of the above valuable property.