Weird – Good or Bad?
Returning to the blog, after being distracted by other things, with thoughts on distraction and weirdness.
Returning to the blog, after being distracted by other things, with thoughts on distraction and weirdness.
This weeks #52Ancestors challenge – Origins prompted me to look at the concept of foreignness.
As we approach another arbitrary temporal boundary, or New Year as some would have it, I am prompted to consider my place in the world and my responsibilities to society. So because social media reflects so much of society these days, I reflect on social media. As a member of […]
I decided celebrate my fedi-versary by finishing a half written blog post from a few weeks ago, about xitter v mastodon. I had got bored before finishing it, but the purpose of the blog is supposed to be to leave information about the past for my grandchildren and other descendants, […]
A genealogy question on Mastodon, about households containing people with identical names, started me thinking about the number of different version of names we find in old documents and I wondered if it might be explained by the tendency in times past to name children after parents or grandparents, or […]
Comments in social media recently have prompted me to think about the place of Pride & Shame in genealogy.