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Weird – Good or Bad?

Growing up I always felt different to the people around me; a bit weird.

Whenever I read about the autism spectrum I am inclined to place myself within it, at least on the fringes. Although I have lately wondered if a more accurate diagnosis – if I should want such a thing – would be ADHD. Even my OCD and perfectionist tendencies don’t stop me from being easily distracted, but I don’t really think diagnosing ourselves or trying to “cure” our personalities is the answer to life’s conundrums.

We are who we are and sticking labels on ourselves, like post-it-notes, or allowing others to do so doesn’t change us.

I think the trick is to learn how to accept our personalities, “warts and all”, and make the most of our weird traits by finding ways to make them work in our favour instead of against us. Easier said than done I know, but worth the effort.

The very word weird is interesting in this context; the old English meaning of “wyrd” is fate or destiny, and the Scots expression “dree your weird” roughly translates to “submit to your destiny”.

So perhaps the modern definition of weirdness: strange or unusual, is the true fate of all of us…

…or as Billy Joel wrote:
You may be right, I may be crazy.
But it just may be a lunatic you’re looking for.

Categories: Genealogy opinion

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